I saw Mata Hunting Santa Claus underneath the LongKang last night!

警方地毯式搜寻6小时 无功而返
新加坡回教祈祷团头目马士沙拉末自今年2月逃脱后,整整9个月毫无音讯,不知所终,这个事件 也因此渐渐 被人遗忘。
怎料,昨天早上却有人告诉警方,他在武吉巴督靠近泛岛高速公路的丛林发现貌似马士沙拉末的 可疑男子。
警方发言人史丹利答复记者询问时说:“今早有公众告诉警方,他在道德道的武吉巴督丛林附近 看见貌似马士 沙拉末的人。警方接到消息后,不敢掉于轻心,立刻前去展开彻底搜查,但没有任何发现。”
大批警员和警犬深入丛林展开地毯式搜寻,行动从早上8时30分开始,下午2时30分结束, 长达6小时。
虽然无功而返,但史丹利说:“警方感谢这名公众的警惕心。公众如果有任何马士沙拉末的消息 ,可通知警方 ,所有的举报保密,警方会不遗余力地跟进每个线索。” 马士沙拉末是在今年2月27日从内部安全局的惠德里拘留所逃脱。尽管有人悬赏100万元, 但还是没有人 能提供可导致他落网的情报。
Home > Breaking News > Singapore > Story
Nov 28, 2008
Lookalike sparks hunt
By Jermyn Chow
A MAN who resembled Jemaah Islamiah fugitive Mas Selamat Kastari sparked off a brief manhunt on Friday in the wooded area along Bukit Batok East Avenue 3.
Some 50 personnel from the police land divisions, Special Operations Command and the Gurkha contingent were seen combing the forested area.
Police spokesman Stanley Norbert said that they received a call from a member of the public of a possible sighting of the wanted man in the area at about 8.30am.
But after a four-hour search, they only found what looked like a holdout for illegal immigrants.
Clothes and cans of food were found strewn all over the hut.
'Police took no chance and conducted a thorough search of the area but the search was not fruitful,' Mr Norbert said.
He added, 'Nonetheless, the Police thank the member of public for his vigilance. The public can call the Police if they have any information on Mas Selamat. All calls will be kept confidential and all leads will be pursued.'
Mas Selamat escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre on 27 Feb.
It was just one day after 9th month anniversary of Mas Selamat Ke-Lari's great toilet break, and just in the middle of Mumbai city attack in which a Singaporean was killed. I took a bus onto PIE toward city at Bukit Batok, this video was what I recorded on bus:
New Lyrics for Wong Kan Seng?
I saw Matas Hunting Santa Claus
Underneath the LongKang last night
They didn't see me creap
Down the bus to have a peek
They thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom fast asleep
Then I saw Matas tickle Santa Claus
underneath his PAP uniform snowy white
What a laugh it would have been
If (old) doggy had only seen
Mata tickle Santa Claus last night?
Paul Anka
I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus lyrics
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creap
Down the stairs to have a peek
She thought that I was tucked up
In my Bedroom fast asleep
Then I saw mommy tickle Santa Claus
Tunderneath his beard so snowy white
What a laugh it would have been
If daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night
I saw mommy kissing santa claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creap
Down the stairs to have peak
She thought that I was tucked up
In my Bedroom fast asleep
Then I saw mommy tickle santa claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
What a laugh it would have been
If daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night
Sammyboy.Com thread