Thursday, May 28, 2009

LKy's Tanjong Pagar Town Council DENIED Responsibility of Negligence

Why vote for old dog thief Lee Kuan Yew & his Tanjong Pagar GRC minions when their town council are irresponsible, will not accept responsibility of negligence and shift blames only to their contractors when they failed in their maintenance and caused young children's lives to be at risk at their dwelling HDB flats?

Well, this isn't quite accurate, because these bastards were not voted in - they walked over!

The bastards are so hypocritical to false claim that they were they best and most qualified for the jobs they were supposedly contesting for.

Unlike other damages metal corrosions don't suddenly cause metal grills or rails to be missing overnight, the corrosions obviously took place over long period of time to have more than one steel bar missing from the railings. The negligence of old dog thief Lee Kuan Yew's Tanjong Pagar Town Council is obviously not a one time omission, it was repeatedly neglected over a very long period from proper maintenance probrably over years.

In previously published photos of the scene, thick metal bars were completely corroded or rotten away, the size is larger than 2 inches. The section of missing grill bars was nearly one foot exposing a gap large enough for a 7 year old girl to fall through it from 4 storeys.

But they will not accept reponsibility and instead shaft that to their contractors. They even denied that residents had made complains about the seriously dangerous failure of maintenance at that spot.

This is Old Dog Theif Lee Kuan Yew's own Tanjong Pagar GRC. What else can you expect from other GRCs of his famiLEE LEEgime? I MUST remind you that Mah Boh Tan's Tampines GRC was also not admitting negligence of safety and maintenance failure when the basketball court's corroded lamp post fell killing a boy and injuring others before GE2006. I slammed famiLEE LEEgime on this issue during GE2006, and the related issue, that famiLEE LEEgime was forcing HDB flat owners to spend for replacing their windows and air-conditioner brackets, threatening to put the flat owners in prison, if their windows or air-con fell down to cause death.

If they knew shame and remorse, they should had owned up, accepted the responsibility, resign and let more capable people take over from their past failures. Our children's safety and lives are not to be subjected to such serious professional negligence, by these world's highest paid exploiters, and irresponsible political swines, and national maggots.

It is clearly double standard, when famiLEE LEEgime come to responsibility of maintenance, that they will put HDB flat owners in prison if they windows or air-con fell and caused death, but they will not admit to any responsibility at all, when their own maintenance failures injured or killed the residents of the very same HDB flats. This is the kind of corrupted and incompetent bastards who paid themselves millions of dollars of world's highest salaries, false claiming to be the world class governance.

When his own GRC's estate maintenance is in this state, what about other important aspects of national interest under his care?

Yahoo Singapore News URL

"Human error" behind missing railings that led to girl’s fall from 4th floor of flats

Channel NewsAsia - Thursday, May 28

SINGAPORE: An independent committee of inquiry investigating the case of missing railings which led to an 7—year—old girl falling four storeys from her block of flats, has concluded that this was an "isolated incident due to human error" rather than a fault in the system.

The committee released its findings and recommendations on Wednesday.

In the incident on 8 March this year, Siti Nur Aini Mohamed fell through a gap in the railings while playing on the corridor outside her flat in Telok Blangah Crescent.

The property officer who was in charge of the maintenance of the block has since been transferred out of the town council, and he no longer does any property inspection work. His supervisor has also been reprimanded and issued with a warning.

The Tanjong Pagar Town Council, which runs the estate, had appointed the independent committee to investigate the cause of the incident and also make recommendations to prevent similar ones from happening.

It has accepted all the recommendations made by the committee, and these include hiring specialist contractors rather then term contractors to evaluate such property maintenance needs.

As to claims made by Siti’s family that they had alerted the town council about the missing railings prior to her fall, the committee said it was unable to conclude the calls had been made as these could not be traced by the telco.

This was because Siti’s family could not provide details as to who had paid for the pre—paid card which was used to make the calls.

Without the permission of the owner of the pre—paid card, the telco could not release the information sought.

However, the committee said regardless of whether any calls had been made or otherwise, the severely corroded railings should have been detected between November last year — when the alarm was said to have been first raised — and March this year when Siti fell.

The primary two student suffered multiple fractures and was warded in the intensive care unit in the National University Hospital for a few weeks.

She went through several operations, including one to remove a blood clot in her brain.

Siti, who still walks with a limp following the incident, returned to school last week. However, she slipped and fell, and is now recovering at home.


Sammyboy.Com Thread

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Political System Change: famiLEE LEEgime want opposition in the parLEEment to Talk Only - NOT VOTE

Ass Loong Son's Parliamentary Transcript for today, 27.May.2009
154th Online News on Political System Change

I warn Singaporean peasants and opposition members NOT TO FALL FOR IT.

The famiLEE LEEgime knows that they had lost the hearts of Singaporean voters by now, and it will show up on the ballots in the next General Election, and they are trying to preserve themeselves and hold on to power by this change. That is ACTUALLY TO DEPRIVE THE PARLIAMENTARY VOTING POWER representing the people Against the famiLEE LEEgime. They want opposition there in the parliament ONLY FOR VOICE, BUT NOT VOTE!

NCMPs & NMPs CAN NOT CAST PARLIAMENTARY VOTES, only the opposition MPs who won seats like Mr. Low Thia Kiang & Mr. Chiam See Tong can vote when parliament past a law or make any decision by parliamentary vote. NCMP like Miss Silvia Lim can not vote, she can only speak or as questions.

To enable your MP to VOTE for YOU, you will have to vote for him / her first. You must help them to campaign strongly for sufficient vote to win the seats, you must see the famiLEE LEEgime candidate defeated by vote. You have to take out your money to finance the opposition campaigns, you must volunteer to work and assist the campaigns, you must provide resources such as vehicles, equipments, materials, facilities etc to sponsor their campaigns. That is how you ensure that your interest is correctly represented in the parLEEment by some one who VOTE in your interest and not just speak.

To be more responsible and commited, you should join to be a member of opposition.

Don't fall for the trick of famiLEE LEEgime. Speaking in the parliament or asking questions is NOT good enough for you. Your MP must have A SEAT WITH VOTING POWER FOR YOU!

No matter what had been changed, the fouls GRC system is still foul and unchanged. As the famiLEE LEEgime parLEEment convened today, there is a seat of Bukit Batok occupied only by the GHOST of Ong Chit Choong, who also can not vote nor could anyone there vote on his behalf. When this so called amended Parliamentary Election Act is past (rubber-stamped) by famiLEE LEEgime parLEEment, there is still no one there to niether vote for nor against it on behalf of the citizens of Bukit Batok. This is foul, because there is NO BY-ELECTION for GRC under this still foul Parliamentary Election Act. The people of Bukit Batok had been CHEATED of their Rights to be represented in parliament by an MP who can VOTE for them.

If you only want opposition to speak then they need not even to be speaking from the parliament house as an NCMP. What is the use if they can not VOTE in the parliament? famiLEE LEEgime will still just decide and implement whatever they like after a symbolic debate. They still can claim that they are doing so with YOUR MANDATE!

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Major Scandal: British MPs caught cheating $$$ from Parliament like NKF

This is going on and on, and the major scandal is now fueling an election call. Bunch of MPs including high ministers had been caught and exposed cheating expenses claimed from parliament to cover their personal and family lifestyle. Therefore Singaporeans should not be naive that Singapore's famiLEE LEEgime are not doing the same, the entire parliament could be just another NKF or worst. So keep your eyes open and check on the famiLEE LEEgime sharply. Expose and provide evidence to public and Internet if you know something wrong is being done. The British whitleblower is very proud and appreciated by his fellow British citizens, he is a retired military intellegence officer.

UK Yahoo News URL

Expenses scandal fuels election calls

The shocking MPs' expenses row is fueling calls for early elections, a poll indicated Saturday as a "whistleblower" behind the embarrassing revelations said he was proud of his role. Skip related content

The opinion poll, showing two thirds of Britons want elections this year rather than next, adds to pressure on embattled Prime Minister Gordon Brown as he grapples with renewed economic bad news.

In the latest revelations of what MPs have charged to the taxpayer -- ranging from tennis court repairs to a "duck island" over the last two weeks, one was found to have spent thousands of pounds for security gates.

Opposition Conservative business spokesman Jonathan Djanogly will have to pay back 25,000 pounds out of over 77,000 pounds reportedly spent at his property, according to the Daily Telegraph newspaper.

Djanogly had automatic security gates installed at his house in Huntingdon, eastern England, at a cost of nearly 5,000 pounds, said the paper, whose revelations over the last 16 days have rocked British politics to the core.

In a statement, the member of parliament said this was on police advice because of threats from animal rights activists.

In the last two weeks, the Telegraph has published the expense claims, paid for from the public purse, of over 200 of the country's 646 MPs, prompting a furious reaction from commentators and the public.

The most high-profile casualty was House of Commons Speaker Michael Martin, who said this week he would quit, while several other MPs will not now stand at the next general election.

Brown has to call an election by next June, but according to a poll in the Guardian newspaper Saturday, two-thirds of voters want him to call a general election before the end of this year.

A separate poll published by the Independent suggested voters turning away from the mainstream parties, with 80 percent wanting independent candidates to challenge "unethical" MPs revealed by the expenses scandal.

The polls come amid renewed economic gloom, dashing recent signs of the recession bottoming out.

On Friday official data showed that the economy is contracting at its sharpest pace in almost three decades amid the worst global downturn since the 1930s.

Bank of England governor Mervyn King's gloomy forecast last week that any recovery will be "slow and protracted" has fueled tensions between Brown and the central bank chief, the Financial Times reported Saturday.

Senior government officials have accused King of handing ammunition to Conservative leader David Cameron, who is hoping to oust Brown whenever the election comes, the paper added.

Saturday's Telegraph also carried the first interview with John Wick, a former special forces officer who acted as middleman -- or "whistleblower" as it called him -- between the source of the documents and the newspaper.

"I have played my part in history. It is now for others to decide on the best way to move forward and punish those who have been exposed," Wick, a Conservative supporter, told the paper.

"I feel proud to have played my part in what the Telegraph rightly describes as 'a very British revolution'."

Many MPs returning to their constituencies late Friday for a 10 day recess faced an angry reaction over the expenses scandal, highlighting the furious mood of voters.

Meanwhile, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams questioned Saturday the impact the revelations were having on public life.

"The continuing systematic humiliation of politicians itself threatens to carry a heavy price in terms of our ability to salvage some confidence in our democracy," he wrote in the Times newspaper.

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Watch Taiwan TODAY! mass Protest Procession & Sit-In

It will be in both Taipei & Kaohsiung simultaneously and estimated protester crowd size minimum 300,000 maximum 800,000. The Taipei portion will march on 4 routes to meet in front of Presidential Istana. Large slogan banner is before Istana on the news photo now (from last night), with laser projection on Istana building's front with figures and slogans of protest.

The event is very educational to Singaporean people as well as famiLEE LEEgime.

更新日期:2009/05/17 04:09

估80萬人上街 給馬震撼彈


李登輝批簽ECFA 台灣大浩劫




遊行靜坐接力 跨夜不喊停




四天王挺小英 凱道不缺席


蔡 英文昨並接受電視台專訪,質疑馬政府的傾中政策,並抨擊執政黨沒能力處理好經濟問題。她表示,馬總統說沒有接受中國的一中原則,其實這很難令人信服,被詢 及馬英九強調,民進黨五一七當天如赴總統府陳情,總統府將派人接待,蔡英文不悅地說,這太藐視在野黨了!至於在野黨要如何不被藐視?蔡英文說:「我們就走 著瞧吧!」


Sammyboy.Com Thread

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bloody Thug-Sin bids to buy over Montengro Island of HAWAII

The Nation Thailand News URL

Ousted Fugitive Thug-Sin have no good place to hide at the moment, so he came out with a filthy proposal similar to the dead greedy bastard Ferdinand Marcos! He want to live in another Hawaii which has identical name as where the fugitive Marcos died after hiding there for donkey years.

This is the most important Hideout Blue-Print for Old Dog Thief Lee Kuan Yew's reference, since his closest fellow greedy dictators could only come out with nothing other than this. :-)

Thaksin bids for Montenegro island : foreign media

Thaksin bids for Montenegro island :  foreign media

Sveti Nikola Island//Photo by

Fugitive ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is bidding to buy a mortgaged island, which is also known as Hawaii, in Montenegro.

The First Bank of Montenegro advertised out-of-court sale of the part of Sveti Nikola Island near Budva at the initial price of 21 million Euros.

The island of Sveti Nikola, also known as Hawaii, is located less than a kilometer away from Budva and it has three sandy beaches spreading on 840 meters, according to Visit-Montenegro online.

"Among potential buyers there were allegedly some Englishmen, Russians, Belgians and Arabs, and according to recent information published by media the former Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra who got Montenegrin passport was also at play. It is still not known where Shinawatra got a Montenegrin passport from," the online reported.

At the first auction launched a couple of months ago, the famous Hawaii were offered at price of 28 million Euros. The land for different purposes covering an area of more than 37 000 square meters has been offered for sale together with the existing facilities.

The public auction is scheduled for May 23 at the premises of the bank in Budva.

The owner of the island is Serbian businessman Stanko Subotic who is indebted to the bank.

Subotic purchased the most beautiful part of the island in 2007 from Nenad Djordjevic for over 20 million Euros.

After the purchase, Subotic announced big investment plans which included connecting the island with the mainland, building hotels, villas, marina and additional facilities but he was prevented from carrying out his plans after Serbia declared him a wanted person under the suspicion that he was involved in cigarette smuggling and thus caused damage to the country.

According to well-informed sources, Subotic then planned to sell the island and on the basis of this story there were rumors over the last year of potential buyers and amounts of money they offer for the island.

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Singaporeans urged to Observe and Monitor Malaysian Court Decisions on Perak

I am urging fellow Singaporeans to fulfill our roles as international observers to monitor and react if necessary for our friends and relatives in Malaysia, for the on going developments in Perak. This role is important as our country Singapore being a closely connected and historically related neighbor of Malaysia. If we showed negligence and apathy toward Malaysian matters, then we can not expect our Malaysian friends and neighbors to show any concern over any injustice or crisis that we could be suffering as Singaporeans.

The Chinese idiom of 家家自扫门前雪,described the selfish apathetic attitude of disregarding any matter beyond the tight boundary of your very own front yard. That idiom actually educates people to exercise some selflessness by e.g. helping to sweep snow off neighbor's front yard, instead of just your very own. This community spirit is very simple to understand that being selfish apathetic and mindless of your neighbors' well being, one can not expect to receive any help from neighbors in return.

I am not urging Singaporeans to overstep into any area that is beyond our role as a neighbor. To observe and monitor and lend a voice of justice and share our views, express our concern, and exercise our influence positively as friend and neighbor and family relatives should be the limit.

Singapore and Malaysia shares the same history as British Colonies and had been together as a federation, our peoples had nearly been through the same route of development. It will be healthy meaningful and momentous to cross share our experiences as peoples of Singapore and Malaysia. Therefore I suggest that we should also learn the Malaysian experience for our own reference and learning, this would be helpful on our own route of reform.


As I had expected, it was still to early for Pakatan to celebrate yesterday. Fight will still proceed on and there would be more exchanges and outcomes in due time before the matters of Perak to be settled. Many Singaporean had been sharing the happiness yesterday, but I said, must still closely monitor and it was too early to celebrate still.

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Taiwanese Opposition set Sunday 17.May for mass procession & sit in protest. 马英九 giving way.

  1. Related Blog Post
  2. Related Blog Post
  3. Related Blog Post
  4. Related Blog Post
  5. Related Blog Post
I already deemed the students' and opposition's fight a success that Taiwanese legislation had changed from the Permit System (許可制) to Registration System (報備制) for assembly and procession controls. However, the DPP is not satisfied and will stage mass procession and sit-in protest on Sunday 17-May-2009 before Presidential Istana throughout the whole night. Their leaders had prepared to be arrested.

Essentially the Registration System is almost like Speakers' Cornered, where no permit need to be applied for nor issued, and assembly / procession can take place as long as it had been Registered by the organizer. But organizer have to be restricted to confine their activities according to rules set out e.g. schedule, veneue, scale / size, or else consequtive fine can be imposed on them. Permit system is like anywhere else in Singapore other than Speakers' Corner priror to famiLEE LEEgime's Ironical Public Order Act, where by no activity can be held unless a permit is applied for and issued. The Public Order Act had since made the big joke even bigger on famiLEE LEEgime. :-)

Mah Ying Jiu is softening his position now, asking for negotiation, but the DPP seems to have decided to put him in the toughest fixation. :-)

  1. Yahoo Taiwan News URL
  2. Yahoo Taiwan News URL
  3. Yahoo Taiwan News URL
We can see that Taiwan & Singapore are both making progress but in opposite directions.

集遊法修正 總統:連續裁罰金額下限可再討論

更新日期:2009/05/11 16:26 楊雨青


對 於這個週末在野黨即將發起大遊行,馬總統表示,集會遊行是人民的權利,他予以尊重;同時他也很願意傾聽人民的聲音或反對黨的聲音,因為他認為執政本來就應 該接受監督,不過他希望活動能以和平理性收場。總統甚至表示,517當天也願意在總統府留人待命,如果在野黨願意提供陳情意見的話,府方也願意好好接待。

對 於最近集遊法修正所引發的爭議,馬總統表示,從許可制改為報備制是他的政見。同時總統認為,因為集會遊行佔用公共空間,資源要公平分配,如果任意報備等於 沒報備,民眾還是應該要遵守制度。至於新法之中,警察可以有連續裁罰權,甚至罰款下限為5萬元,總統表示,這點可以再討論。總統:『(原音)是不是一定要 訂5萬元的下線,現在已經有很多看法。我覺得不但可以贊成下修,要不要設下限都可以討論。(記者:也許可以取消?)對。』



民進黨517遊行嗆馬 馬總統:不一定要驅離

更新日期:2009/05/11 12:11 記者王宗銘/台北報導






總統協調集遊法 民進黨:未見誠意靜坐照舊

更新日期:2009/05/11 12:38






Sammyboy.Com Thread

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mas Selamat a permanent Icon of famiLEE LEEgime falsehood

It is liken to this image as stigma or tattooed on the foreheads of each famiLEE LEEgime ministers, it is iconic representation of the now well exposed falsehood of famiLEE LEEgime.

Their False-Representation of Efficiency; Reliability; Security and Competency, are now all Refreshed with this new Iconic Trade Mark - Mas Selamat.

Together with this, famiLEE LEEgime should be looked upon with other symbolic representations, such as MI185 + SQ006 and NKF. Together these falsehood shattering realities exposed the truth of famiLEE LEEgime. They are irreversible and they are permanent.

The above should become the PAp election poster. :-)

LEEgime's ISD had made him wear the right colored shirt for this purpose.

Sammyboy.Com thread

Saturday, May 09, 2009

not sorry, but Ah Seng STILL must RESIGN!

Nope! Not before first answering a series of new questions.

Publish the answers before publishing your resignation letter.

First question: How much resources in terms of dollars and man hours had been incurred directly and indirectly in accumulation until today from Feb.27.2008 as a result from ISD Toilet Break?

I will leave it for the opposition members and activist and members of public to continue to ask the rest of the questions, I will raise certain questions if no one else raised them. :-)

Don't forget to resign Ah Seng!

Sammyboy.Com thread