Saturday, February 28, 2009

Activists sent 1st TBT Hero to famiLEE LEEgime's jail

Related blog post URL

Activists this morning together sent off the 1st TBT hero to jail at court. :-)

In the same red TBT T-shirt is his wife who is another activist charged and still on trial with us.

The 3 children also were "Singapore is a FINE CITIY" red T-shirts.

We sent him off about 0930hr to 1000hr.

This is after he went to jail, one of his sons (elder) was crying: Thread


Friday, February 27, 2009

1st TBT Activist going to QRP Jail on Saturday

Activists will be sending off Juffrie on Saturday (tomorrow) to Court 26, that he become the 1st of the 19 TBT Activists to go to QRP Resort :-). His wife Suraya still with the rest of us on trial. Due to his work committment and need to take care of the 3 children Juffrie can not stay along with the trial. He wore the Original Red TBT T-shirt to court yesterday, and scolded the Malay interpreater before the trial court (Court 10) when charges were read to him, I have no idea what was the contention but some how the interpreater pissed him off.

The judge did not want to accept him to plea guilty for the reason that he is in contention with the Statement Of Facts tendered by DPP Izzac Tan. The contention is that it stated Wrongly to alleged that Juffrie knew that Permit Application Was Rejected.

The irony in famiLEE LEEgime's court yesterday was that one had to lie to court in order that plea guilty can be accepted!

Juffrie won the applaude of entire group of TBT activist in court 10 after he read out his statement, asserting that he did nothing wrong, and is pround and firm about what he he did on 15.Mar.2008 at Parliament for World's Consummer Rights Day, and Tak Boleh Tahan.

He will be going to prison for 8 days for total of 2 charges, (4 days each) he will not pay the famiLEE LEEgime a single cent in fine. But the fine was $600+$600=$1200.

Sammyboy.Com Thread


Monday, February 23, 2009

Ass Loong admitted on Corrupted Abuse of Govt Media Capabilites for LEEgime

Educated Singaporeans knows that PAp LEEgime and Singapore Government are separated entities and the Tax Payers' Resources must not be Abused to cover the needs of famiLEE LEEgime or the PAp.

This was 154th Channel News Asia's HEADLINE today:

Government building capabilities to tap on new media at next GE
By Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 23 February 2009 1826 hrs

It clearly indicated that the famiLEE is set to Abuse the Tax Payers' funds and media development budget for famiLEE LEEgime & to advantage of PAp in the next General Election.

I hereby congratulate the famiLEE LEEgime for their REGRESSION which is a PROGRESS In Level of CORRUPTION, after GE2006's corrupted Vote Buying via Progress Package, which is outright abuse of Tax Payers funds to bribe for votes. You filthy rotten famiLEE LEEgime are to be burnt in hell.

I declared online clearly that I will not comply with any Internet Ban during future GE after 2006. The famiLEE LEEgime then retracted their ban. Now they announced that they will use it instead of ban it like the past. That showed clearly that they FAILED to Rule the Internet, what they rule is the outdated and insignificant 154th. They know that WE are the New Media and they are being phased out & side-lined.

Ass Loong Son mentioned Obama, but Obama didn't used ANY GOVT RESOURCES to campaign online.

The foul famiLEE LEEgime is admittedly Abusing Government Resources funded by Tax Dollars to build media capabilities, NOT to be Equally Shared by ALL Political Parties of Singapore but Obviously just for his PAp and famiLEE LEEgime. He can clarify if he plan to have these newly built Media Capabilities used by opposition, tell us how are opposition going to be able to use them. Tell us how much of Tax Payers' funds is he going to Graft and Plunder for his famiLEE LEEgime's Online Propagandas!

Come Clean! Your father called it CLEANed SYSTEM, show us how CLEAN!

Government building capabilities to tap on new media at next GE
By Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 23 February 2009 1826 hrs

SINGAPORE : The Singapore government is set to actively engage and leverage on the new media at the next General Election due in 2012.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the government is already building up some capabilities. But he added there is still a place for traditional media to be the trusted source of information.

He was speaking exclusively to Channel NewsAsia's chief editor Debra Soon, on the evolving media landscape, ahead of the channel's 10th anniversary in March.

Citing the US as an example, Mr Lee noted that US President Barrack Obama's team not only put out messages on the Web during his campaign, but also operated on the Web as a means of working together, organising and raising money.

Noting that that is the way the new generation operates, Mr Lee said it is going to happen in politics too.

Already, the Singapore government has announced initiatives to relax rules governing new media.

For example, it is actively trying to engage citizens online through portals such as REACH, the government's feedback arm, as well as new media outlets such as Facebook.

Moving forward, Mr Lee said what is needed are young MPs who are comfortable with the new media landscape.

He said: "We are still learning. It is not easy to make this transition. It is like going from sea to land or vice versa, you are changing your medium and you need to get comfortable with it. But we are working hard at it."

However, Mr Lee noted there will always be a role for traditional media to present trusted, unbiased and informed opinions - even if some may feel that information generated by traditional media is rather tame compared to what is out there online.

He noted that the traditional media has seen an increase in viewership and readership, despite growth of the new media.

Mr Lee said: "Well, there is a place called the Wild West and there are other places which are not so wild. And the new media - some of it are Wild West and anything goes and people can say anything they want, and tomorrow take a completely contrary view. And well, that is just the way the medium is.

"But even in the Internet, there are places which are more considered, more moderated where people put their names down and identify themselves. And there is a debate which goes on and a give and take, which is not so rambunctious but perhaps more thoughtful. That is another range."

On the role of a news broadcaster like Channel NewsAsia, which is marking its 10th year on-air, Mr Lee said there is a need for a channel which is not wearing what he termed "Western spectacles".

He said: "We felt there was scope for perspective from Asian eyes. Not to put over an ideology or a doctrine, but just present the facts, less the Western spectacles. And I think that is what Channel NewsAsia has tried to do and with some reasonable success."

The challenge, said Mr Lee, is to be able to boil down information and present news neutrally out of Singapore. - CNA/ms

Additional CNA URL

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mr. 施明德 case of Red Shirt Army assembly & procession Verdict this Friday

Taiwanese Yahoo News URL

紅衫軍圍城周五宣判 施明德回凱道抗議惡法

更新日期:2009/02/17 12:05



倒 扁副總指揮姚立民也說,修改集遊法是馬英九的競選政見,但是馬政府上台到現在將近一年,國民黨卻因警方的反對,拖延到上個會期結束還是無法過關。姚立民 說,集遊法已經違反了憲法所保障的集會權利,法案還是卡在立法院過不了關,國民黨太顢頇。姚立民說,民眾有表達訴求的權利,如果國民黨再不回應民間修法的 訴求,人民遲早還會再走上街頭。

Mr. 施明德 & 16 other key members of his famous Red Shirt Army Anti-Corruption Campaign against 陈水扁, had been charged with Illegal Assembly and Procession besieging the Presidential Palace in 2006, which is THE SAME TIME AS OUR WB/IMF Speakers' Cornered protest.

The verdict is expected on Friday 20.Feb.2009 for Mr. 施明德 and his co-defendents.

Mean while trial resumes for myself & other co-defendents for WB/IMF Speakers' Cornered tomorrow in Sub Court (court 15?) the other case which was for anniversary of WB/IMF was just adjourned some 2 weeks ago. :-)

I remember 3 years ago at Spreakers' Cornered, we were in middle of stand-off against famiLEE LEEgime matas during WB/IMF, I was kept busy monitoring what was going on in Taipei where our friend Mr. 施明德 & 16 others led his 1 million strong Red Shirt Army beseiging Ah Bian's Istana. :-) Their movement inspired and motivated me very much.

This Friday 20.Feb.2009 we will hear the verdict from Taiwanese Court about Red Shirt Army's campaign, and accordign to Yahoo's news above they will not appeal if convicted as a sign of protest agianst the UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW Banning Freedom of Assembly & Procession. We are fighters against the same thing in different parts of Asia. The Reform Spirits and Goals are identical. The great difference is in the scale. They had a million crowd!

Friday, 20.Feb.2009 Mr. 施明德 & his Red Shirt Army Protesters will Return to The Same Street before Presidential Istana to Await the court's verdict! So watch the news!

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reform Party Confirmed Schedule of Public Forum

I spoke to Mr. Ng Teck Siong an hour ago, and the schedule had been reconfirmed:

for Free Admission


The Facilitator:

NG TECK SIONG – Chairman/The Reform Party

Ng Teck Siong is a trusted friend and confidante of the late alternative politics icon; the legendary Mr. J B Jeyaretnam, the founder of The Reform Party. Teck Siong himself is a veteran of alternative politics in his own right. Teck Siong is a man who firmly believes that Singapore politics needs a reform and that alternative party politics are in the best interest for the development of Singapore.

The Panelists:

Tan Kin Lian — Kin Lian is the former Chief Executive of NTUC Income. He is also a socio/financial activist.
Ng E-Jay –- Ejay is a socio/political activist and a prominent blogger at
Leong Sze Hian -– Sze Hian is a certified Investment Fiduciary Auditor and prolifically on financial issues.
Ravi Philemon –- Ravi is a community worker. He writes for The Online Citizen and is a Social Activist.
Seelan Palay -– Seelan is a socio/political activist. He is a co-founder of World Without War, Singapore.

Date: 28 February 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 2 – 5.30pm
Vanue: Allson Hotel, Victoria Street, Victoria Room (Level 2)

Same hotel as where had late Mr. JBJ held press conference on 20.May.2008 to announce forming for Reform Party.

The famiLEE LEEgime which is now broke is squandering OUR Reserve for the very first time in history, the budget 2009 involved spending of reserve. I think it is an excellent idea for Reform Party to hold such a public forum for Singaporean people to have their say about it. :-)

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Wong Kan SENG busy putting out flames, 1 year after Mas Selamat's Freedom

Mas Selamat Ke-Lari fled Whitley Road Detention Center on 27.Feb.2008, 10 more days and it would be his celebration for 1 full year of FREEDOM from famiLEE LEEgime ISD. :-)

Wong Kan SENG haven't resigned.

Still drawing millions of dollars of tax payers' funds, and it had been just a few more million since when he was supposed to resign for Mas Selamat fiasco.

What is he doing? Counting his salaries in cash may be. But this is what I saw his matas & SCDF boys & girls doing the last 2 days - putting out flames everywhere not on Ah Seng's Ass nor the other Ah (scapegoat) Seng's face. This was Bukit Batok jungles near 小桂林 , not far from MRT. For the last 2 days I saw the fire engines and ambulance in size of about a dozen lined up at the same spot. Last night's Ambulance indicated that SCDF might had their own ass burnt while putting out flames in the jungle. Tonight there was no ambulance seen.

Ah Seng's mata blocked the entire east-bound road tonight.

Like I had predicted around a month ago, SCDF saw a record high number of fire in the past week. Today even a factory burnt. I said famiLEE LEEgime's ending omen will include the burning of little Red Dot. :-) The clearer and great heavenly sign that can not be missed is that the entire regular year-end rainy season had been missing. This is something I had never experienced in my entire life in Singapore. Usually etither from December to Febuary or from November to Janauary would be full of days and days of rains. It had not been seen so far this season and it is already near the end of this season.

What are you going to tell Singaporeans Ah Seng? Where is Mas Selamat? He is the culprit setting all the bush fire to keep you busy is it not? :-) Is he celebrating his freedom with flames on your ass too? :-) YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO RESIGN, NOT PAY-CUT! Let a minister who can keep WRDC properly guarded take-over Ah Seng don't waste our time and resources, too many blunders already!



Sammyboy.Com Thread

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Oppositions' Forum Still On-Going Now @ 1630Hr

Click Above Image to article on SDP's site. {or click here.}

I just managed to drop by for a minute and then took these for the blog. :-)

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Thursday, February 05, 2009

MalaysiaKini's Question: Why is there no SingaporeKini?

An interesting article is found on MalaysiaKini.Com beside what is currently so HOT about political defection in Perak state. I think Singaporeans must read the followings: :-)

Why there's no Singaporekini
Fang Zhi Yuan and Lim Siow Kuan | Feb 5, 09 2:19pm
In a recent article ‘Malaysiakini at vanguard of media revolution’, political analyst James Chin from the Kuala Lumpur campus of Australia’s Monash University, said Malaysiakini could only have existed in places like Malaysia, Singapore or Burma, simply because the mainstream press have no credibility.

While it is true that Malaysiakini was able to establish itself as a credible alternative to the mainstream media precisely because of the latter’s overt pro-government stance, the same reasoning cannot be ascribed to Singapore where the mainstream media still retains a sizeable audience from both the intelligentsia and masses.

Both Singapore and Malaysia have draconian laws governing the printing press. Singapore introduced the Newspaper and Printing Act in 1975 to control the ownership of newspaper firms while Malaysia has a similar law requiring media owners to obtain, and annually renew, publishing licences.

In Singapore, all the print media in the four languages of English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil are under the ownership of one single government-linked company - the Singapore Press Holdings whose chairman is almost always an ex-PAP (People’s Action Party) minister (its current chairman is ex-deputy prime minister Dr Tony Tan).

The circulation of foreign papers is severely restricted and those who went afoul of the government’s censorship like Far Eastern Economic Review and Wall Street Journal were subjected to heavy fines and subsequently banned from Singapore altogether.

Distinguishing between truths and spins

Singaporeans, especially those born after independence, have grown up knowing only the pro-government state press which explains why they are seldom able to distinguish between truths and spins inherent in the reports unlike an astute reader from a developed country like United States or United Kingdom.

Though the major dailies like Utusan Malaysia and New Straits Times are controlled by the Malaysian government, the newspapers with smaller circulations and the Chinese broadsheets such as Sin Chew Daily still retains a certain degree of independence and flair to provide contrarian views to the government’s mouthpiece.

Malaysians who have long been skeptical of the mainstream media’s coverage of political affairs take an instant liking to Malaysiakini’s independent streak almost immediately, facilitating its eventual ascension to the pinnacle of Malaysian journalism.

Though the initial years were challenging, Malaysiakini was able to survive largely because of the low operating costs and wages in Malaysia. A fresh graduate journalist commands a monthly pay of only RM1,500 in contrast to Singapore which ranges from S$2,800 to S$3,500.

Malaysiakini is able to attain such national prominence in the journalistic landscape of Malaysia partly because Malaysia is able to provide it with a large readership in the first place. Its daily readership of 100,000 unique visitors amounts to only 0.37% of Malaysia’s population of 27 million people. Applying the same percentage to Singapore’s 4.7 million people will only yield 17,390 readers a day.

Malaysiakini is founded by Steven Gan, an ex-journalist with The Sun. Being a professional journalist himself with the relevant knowledge and experience, he is able to form a team and build up a credible online news daily in a short period of time. Gan is also willing to risk his livelihood and personal freedom to write the truth - he was jailed for a week in 1995 over an East Timor conference.

On the other hand, Singapore journalists have too much to lose by going against the wishes of the government. Junior journalists are subjected to close supervision and frequent assessments before they are allowed to write on political matters. Senior editors are too well-paid to allow any lapses of judgement to occur which may break their rice bowls.

The political bureau is run by journalists with links to the Internal Security Department (similar to Malaysia’s Special Branch). Is there little wonder that we have not seen a Steven Gan emerging from the Singapore journalistic circles yet?

Are Singapore journalists devoid of ideas and passion for their profession? Why are they contented to be government’s ‘reporters’ and not real journalists to seek out and report the truth fearlessly?

‘Liberals’ within the profession like Cherian George (left) and PN Balji have left the profession to focus on academic research.Young promising journalists like Melanie Lee have opted to ply their trade with foreign news agencies like Reuters rather than to betray their own conscience by working for SPH (Singapore Press Holdings).

Online dailies are agents of change

Is there a need Singapore to have its own ‘Malaysiakini’ to serve as an alternative to the print media? Judging from the rising readership of news blogs like The Online Citizen, Singapore Enquirer and Wayang Party Club run entirely by self-funded part-time amateurs, it does appear that there is a sizable group of readers out there who are tired of the government-friendly mainstream media and are early seeking alternative news sources.

For a ‘Singaporekini’ to establish itself as a credible online news daily like its counterpart across the causeway, it should be helmed by a team of full-time journalists with the relevant training and experience in journalism. There must also be an external agency which is willing to fund the project for a foreseeable future till it takes off.

We have seen how Malaysiakini and subsequently other influential online dailies like Malaysia Today and The Malaysian Insider have served as agents of change in ending 50 years of unbroken one-party hegemony in Malaysia. There can be no free elections without a free press.

Perhaps this yet-to-be-founded ‘Singaporekini’ will be our sole hope of freeing ourselves eventually from the shackles of one-party rule.

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Dr. M warned against UMNO's Perak "victory"

Dr. M is the 1st politician I heard criticizing the BN's Defection Warfare Victory in Perak.

Not only he slammed that BN stooped very low, but he warned about the backlash and future problems going to be faced by Najib playing this sort of game. Seem Dr. M himself had forgotten how he took over Sabah? It was exactly the same Defection Warfare! That his rival cum formal deputy Mr. Anwar & his formal fellow UMNO Najib had only learnt from THE BEST! Tun Dr. M himself!

In Dr. M's criticism he pointed out that defectors who now joined UMNO are the same 2 charged with accepting sexual bribe and corruption. That indeed proved that good politicians can not be defectors and defectors are mostly the rotten politician.

In my own view this sort of foul Defection Politics became a very unhealth feature in Malaysia with UMNO and formal UMNO politicians. Learning from Malaysian experience, even though I called for members of famiLEE LEEgime to Renegade, I still have to caution that when bilateral defections goes on like in Malaysia, things will go only foul in the country's leadership, that integrity and reliability become so questionable, and public & international community will lose confidence.

While defections from a rotten long ruling regime is only natural, but when both sides of power competed solely or overly intensive on Defection Warfare. It will foul and damange confidence of citizens and international communities.

It actually corrodes the nation. Singaporeans should notice this.

Malaysiakini.Com Chinese URL

马哈迪呼吁阿都拉三思而后行 2月4日 下午4点18分
mahathir pc on bar council 191208 02随着民联霹雳州议员频传退党,同时加入国阵的传言四起,前首相马哈迪(左图)今天开腔,警告巫统不要接受涉贪的议员,否则该党形象将进一步受打击,而影响其在未来第13届大选的表现。





jamaluddin mat radzi and osman jailu perak pkr公正党两名州议员贾玛鲁丁(Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi)和莫哈末奥斯曼(Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu) 早前失联,坊间盛传他们要跳槽巫统。如今他们已宣布退党,成为独立议员。








反贪污局去年8月19和20日逮捕贾玛鲁丁和莫哈末奥斯曼,指控他们收取贿赂,以便加速批准霹雳斯里伊斯干达(Seri Iskandar),一项耗资1亿8000万令吉的房屋发展计划的申请。



Sammyboy.Com thread