Mas Selamat Ke-Lari fled Whitley Road Detention Center on 27.Feb.2008, 10 more days and it would be his celebration for 1 full year of FREEDOM from famiLEE LEEgime ISD. :-)
Wong Kan SENG haven't resigned.
Still drawing millions of dollars of tax payers' funds, and it had been just a few more million since when he was supposed to resign for Mas Selamat fiasco.
What is he doing? Counting his salaries in cash may be. But this is what I saw his matas & SCDF boys & girls doing the last 2 days - putting out flames everywhere not on Ah Seng's Ass nor the other Ah
(scapegoat) Seng's face. This was Bukit Batok jungles near 小桂林 , not far from MRT. For the last 2 days I saw the fire engines and ambulance in size of about a dozen lined up at the same spot. Last night's Ambulance indicated that SCDF might had their own ass burnt while putting out flames in the jungle. Tonight there was no ambulance seen.
Ah Seng's mata blocked the entire east-bound road tonight.
Like I had
predicted around a month ago, SCDF saw a
record high number of fire in the past week. Today even a
factory burnt. I said famiLEE LEEgime's ending omen will include the burning of little Red Dot. :-) The clearer and great heavenly sign that can not be missed is that t
he entire regular year-end rainy season had been missing. This is something I had never experienced in my entire life in Singapore. Usually etither from December to Febuary or from November to Janauary would be full of days and days of rains. It had not been seen so far this season and it is already near the end of this season.
What are you going to tell Singaporeans Ah Seng? Where is Mas Selamat? He is the culprit setting all the bush fire to keep you busy is it not? :-) Is he celebrating his freedom with flames on your ass too? :-) YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO RESIGN, NOT PAY-CUT! Let a minister who can keep WRDC properly guarded take-over Ah Seng don't waste our time and resources, too many blunders already!