Dr. M warned against UMNO's Perak "victory"
Dr. M is the 1st politician I heard criticizing the BN's Defection Warfare Victory in Perak.
Not only he slammed that BN stooped very low, but he warned about the backlash and future problems going to be faced by Najib playing this sort of game. Seem Dr. M himself had forgotten how he took over Sabah? It was exactly the same Defection Warfare! That his rival cum formal deputy Mr. Anwar & his formal fellow UMNO Najib had only learnt from THE BEST! Tun Dr. M himself!
In Dr. M's criticism he pointed out that defectors who now joined UMNO are the same 2 charged with accepting sexual bribe and corruption. That indeed proved that good politicians can not be defectors and defectors are mostly the rotten politician.
In my own view this sort of foul Defection Politics became a very unhealth feature in Malaysia with UMNO and formal UMNO politicians. Learning from Malaysian experience, even though I called for members of famiLEE LEEgime to Renegade, I still have to caution that when bilateral defections goes on like in Malaysia, things will go only foul in the country's leadership, that integrity and reliability become so questionable, and public & international community will lose confidence.
While defections from a rotten long ruling regime is only natural, but when both sides of power competed solely or overly intensive on Defection Warfare. It will foul and damange confidence of citizens and international communities.
It actually corrodes the nation. Singaporeans should notice this.
Malaysiakini.Com Chinese URL
Sammyboy.Com thread
Not only he slammed that BN stooped very low, but he warned about the backlash and future problems going to be faced by Najib playing this sort of game. Seem Dr. M himself had forgotten how he took over Sabah? It was exactly the same Defection Warfare! That his rival cum formal deputy Mr. Anwar & his formal fellow UMNO Najib had only learnt from THE BEST! Tun Dr. M himself!
In Dr. M's criticism he pointed out that defectors who now joined UMNO are the same 2 charged with accepting sexual bribe and corruption. That indeed proved that good politicians can not be defectors and defectors are mostly the rotten politician.
In my own view this sort of foul Defection Politics became a very unhealth feature in Malaysia with UMNO and formal UMNO politicians. Learning from Malaysian experience, even though I called for members of famiLEE LEEgime to Renegade, I still have to caution that when bilateral defections goes on like in Malaysia, things will go only foul in the country's leadership, that integrity and reliability become so questionable, and public & international community will lose confidence.
While defections from a rotten long ruling regime is only natural, but when both sides of power competed solely or overly intensive on Defection Warfare. It will foul and damange confidence of citizens and international communities.
It actually corrodes the nation. Singaporeans should notice this.
Malaysiakini.Com Chinese URL
马哈迪呼吁阿都拉三思而后行 2月4日 下午4点18分随着民联霹雳州议员频传退党,同时加入国阵的传言四起,前首相马哈迪(左图)今天开腔,警告巫统不要接受涉贪的议员,否则该党形象将进一步受打击,而影响其在未来第13届大选的表现。
“众人皆已认为,巫统贪腐蔓延,经常违背诺言,同时只重视首相在登嘉楼的朋党。如果全部这些事情,再加上接受被控涉及性贿赂的人入党,则巫统的形象将变得更糟糕。”公正党两名州议员贾玛鲁丁(Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi)和莫哈末奥斯曼(Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu) 早前失联,坊间盛传他们要跳槽巫统。如今他们已宣布退党,成为独立议员。
反贪污局去年8月19和20日逮捕贾玛鲁丁和莫哈末奥斯曼,指控他们收取贿赂,以便加速批准霹雳斯里伊斯干达(Seri Iskandar),一项耗资1亿8000万令吉的房屋发展计划的申请。
批两议员曾接受涉性贿赂 未来难洗脱干预司法嫌疑 预签没志期辞函并不合法
Sammyboy.Com thread
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