Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Son & Daughter-in-law of Ah Bian made Plea Bargain

This afternoon Ah Bian got back to jail, and his son and daughter-in-law made Plea Bargain with the prosecution. They offered to disclose the where about of the $570 million which is part of the laundered corruption funds.

Court ruled Chen Shui Bian back to remand but without restriction of visitation, meaning his friends and family have access to him. Previously he was remanded with such restriction that only his lawyer have access to him.

Yahoo News Cut & Paste:



更新日期:2008/12/30 06:35


陳水扁案羈押庭長達十二個小時,檢辯雙方高手過招,誰都不願退讓。被告陳水扁說十二月十八號吳淑珍講 說她已要陳致中夫妻透過律師具狀寫了一份陳報狀給特偵組,把五億七千萬的錢清楚交代,絕對不是流向不明,特偵組也不約談陳致中夫妻,也不對陳報狀中所述內 容作偵訊,一再表示這樣現金流向不明,不得不懷疑檢察官特別保留一手,不讓這樣的真相大白,作為繼續羈押他理由,如果真是這樣用心,他真會被羈押到死為 止。

特偵組檢察官林(三個吉)慧則說五億七千萬,被告陳水扁提到他兒子陳致中向特偵組具狀表示願意向特偵組說明,但他們說明的只是一小部 分,從他們具狀是提出要認罪協商,他們願意將瑞士部分匯回台灣,還願意說出五億七千萬下落,但認罪協商是要在審理階段進行,辯護人認定我們說為何有五億七 千萬在海外,從陳致中狀紙就可看出假如他們願意繳回,就直接匯回國內,更何況被告陳水扁之前在偵查中說這些錢都是選舉結餘款,而且只有在瑞士部分。陳致中 的認罪協商,也間接證實特偵組始終查不出來的五點七億,宣稱只是單純人頭角色的陳致中,看來相當清楚錢藏在哪,也難怪成為檢方最後的壓箱寶。



更新日期:2008/12/30 05:25 呂采千

台北地院29日下午2時召開前總統陳水扁羈 押庭,歷經12個多小時馬拉松審理,最後法官以陳水扁罪嫌重大,有逃亡、煙滅偽造、變造證據、勾串或串供共犯或證人之虞等事證,當場裁定陳水扁收押不禁 見、可通信,但若有發現上開情事則另為處分。陳水扁律師鄭文龍則轉述指出,陳水扁感謝社會對他的關心,未來會繼續努力來表清白並且為他所愛的台灣付出心 力。鄭文龍說:





陳 水扁回答,不知有南線專案,甲君則有此人,但未申領國務機要費,至於國家機密是在大法官627號解釋後指出,國家元首有國家機密特質,基於對J案的密祕外 交的保密,才會將所有領據視做機密,絕無干擾司法意圖,他重申只冀望能像一般人般享有被告訟權利的防禦權,他愛台灣及人民,絕不會逃亡,他也希望全案能速 審速決,讓他能為自己清白辯護。







sammyboy.com thread

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Kaola Activists held vigil outside QRP for Kangaroo Activists

Activists will be camping overnight awaiting release of Shafii'e & Isrizal, started tonight 8PM, many people came at various portions of time arriving and leaving. I have court case tomorrow with famiLEE LEEgime, so I left at about 11PM.

It was cool and windy tonight, clear sky, laughing matter is that famiLEE LEEgime weather forecast falsely warned this weak that very heavy rains in 4 days in this week may cause flood in lower ground areas of Singapore, nothing much to rain in the last few days since their warning. :-)

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Friday, December 12, 2008

Honorable Activist Went To Jail For Being Honest Towards Justice

Isrizal & Shafi'ie on their way to High Court to join QRP Resort Club as our latest members this morning. Dozen of activist went to High Court to send our Honorable and Truthful friends off, I could only send them off from this street corner outside High Court because I was myself rushing to Sub Court for Speakers' Cornered trial (old dog thief's birthday 16.Sept.2006 WB-IMF). Activists including those on their way to jail are all high spirit and cheerful as this video shows them crossing the road. Singaporeans can assure famiLEE LEEgime that their oppressive charges and sentences doses not deter people's fighting spirit but instead fueled stronger fights.

The truth is in this world there are more than famiLEE LEEgime's courts being attacked and criticized for unfairness and lack of independence etc, however while some regimes are confident and steady to conduct themselves, and maintained their own styles, famiLEE LEEgime uniquely is the COWARD THAT CLEARLY DISPLAYED THEIR OVER-REACTIONS. This is no other indications that the activists had hit them on the right spot correctly and effectively for these panic responses to display their weakness and vulnerability. famiLEE LEEgime is so far the least confident and most cowardly bastard showing clear signs that they can not take it when there are just 3 activists wearing these simple T-shirts. In contrast, the Myanmar Junta audaciously shot the protesting monks and then sat down and shake legs as the entire world criticized, the junta bastards are confident that they will get away with that thus they don't display any response towards criticism. You can call junta's court Kangaroo they won't even be bordered.


Sammyboy.Com Thread

Friday, December 05, 2008

Legislation Change marked Taiwanese Student's Victory

Taiwanese Parliament today changed legislation on laws governing Protest Assembly & Procession, marking victory to student's campaign which they had camped in various cities in Taiwan since 6.Nov.2008. But the students are still not happy with the amendments which they had demanded. They will still make protest march tomorrow. Amnesty International made public statement in support of the students, who thinks the amendments made in the legislation is a game of words played by the government.

Yahoo Chinese news URL 1

Yahoo Chinese news URL 2

Yahoo Chinese news URL 3

Yahoo Chinese news URL 4

AI statement



AI Index No: ASA 38/001/2008

3 December 2008

Taiwan: Police should avoid using excessive force at upcoming protests

Amnesty International has urged Taiwan's police force to comply with international guidelines on the use of force and crowd control at the planned student protests on Sunday 7 December.

The organization also joins calls for the Control Yuan, the body mandated by the Taiwan Constitution with supervisory power over the Executive branch, to conduct an independent inquiry into alleged excessive police force during November's protests.

The Wild Strawberry Student Movement has staged sit-ins since 6 November to protest against what they consider the use of excessive force during the Taiwan visit of Chen Yunlin, chairman of the China-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait. Civil society groups in Taiwan are investigating multiple claims that individuals suffered head injuries and broken fingers at the hands of police during the protests.

According to police reports on 8 November, approximately 10,000 police officers had been deployed during Chen's visit; 149 police officers and 200-300 individuals were injured; 18 were arrested.

Taiwanese civil society groups claim that police have applied the Assembly and Parade Law arbitrarily to silence dissent. According to the students' spokesperson, they will not seek police approval, as required by the law, but will only "report" their plans to law enforcement authorities, in line with amendments advocated by the Movement.

The Movement is organizing the protest on Sunday 7 December to criticize the government's failure to amend the Assembly and Parade Law.

Amnesty International said Taiwan's Control Yuan should address the serious concerns raised by civil society in Taiwan and the government should cease the practice of using the Assembly and Parade Law to deny freedom of assembly and allow individuals to protest peacefully. Amnesty International also called on Taiwanese police and judicial authorities to ensure that they investigate any protesters accused of engaging in violence in a fair, transparent, and timely manner in compliance with international standards.


On 3-7 November 2008, Chen Yunlin, chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, led a 60-member delegation from the People's Republic of China to visit Taiwan and meet with President Ma Ying-jeou.

The police barred protesters displaying Taiwanese and Tibetan flags and anti-China slogans along the routes taken by the envoy and confiscated or damaged some of these items. The police also closed a shop near the hotel where Chen Yunlin had dinner with Kuomintang honorary chairman Lien Chan when the shop loudly broadcast music from an album titled 'Songs of Taiwan'.

There were additional reports of arbitrary detention and police brutality, some of which, according to the police, were in response to the violence of protesters.

Following the visit, hundreds of students have staged sit-ins across Taiwan protesting the police's handling of the protests and demanding amendments to the Assembly and Parade Law, which has been misused to prevent protests.

On 6 November the students started their sit-ins outside the offices of the Executive Yuan or (Executive branch), where they were eventually removed by police on the grounds of illegal assembly. They continued the sit-ins at the National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall and organized a daily demonstration calling for immediate amendments to the Assembly and Parade Law, apologies from the president and head of government and the resignations of the heads of the police and national security.

On 18 November Taipei police announced a list of 66 "troublemakers", who had allegedly thrown gas bombs and stones at the police and spat at the Taichung mayor. There were also reports that the police had pressured journalists and their supervisors to hand over video tapes to identify suspects who allegedly took part in the violence.


Public Document

For more information please call Amnesty International's press office in London, UK, on +44 20 7413 5566 or email: press@amnesty.org

International Secretariat, Amnesty International, 1 Easton St., London WC1X 0DW, UK


集遊法改報備制 限縮命令解散權

更新日期:2008/12/05 04:34 江慧真/台北報導

行 政院四日院會通過《集會遊行法》修正草案,將現行許可制改為報備制。立院若審議通過,集遊法將取消行政刑罰規定,回歸普通刑法;警察命令解散權也大幅限 縮,只有在「使用暴力、違反安全距離、阻礙交通」三原則下才可行使。遊行活動必須在重要機關周邊三百公尺的安全距離限制,也將鬆綁範圍。



他 強調,此次修法強化集會遊行的「自律規範」,要求集會、遊行負責人應在集會、遊行時「親自在場主持」及維持秩序,並應指定糾察員協助維持秩序。簡太郎說, 對於妨害集會、遊行者,負責人或糾察員可以排除,受排除的人應立即離開現場,若拒絕離開,負責人依法律授權,可以請求現場警察指揮官協助驅離。

集遊改報備 違規要罰錢

更新日期:2008/12/05 07:40 記者李順德、湯雅雯/台北報導










國際特赦組織 籲台灣警察勿濫用暴力

更新日期:2008/12/05 04:09













While these changes are happening in Taiwan, I am on trial in Singapore with others for the WB-IFM Speakers' Cornered case. shameless famiLEE LEEgime charged us for Attempting to participate in procession without permit.

Ass Loong Son had since the WB-IFM Speakers' Cornered gave in and permitted demonstrations at Speakers Corner. In comparison, Taiwanese change had now modified Assemblies & Processions to require only registration and no permit needs to be applied. In Speaker's Cornered only speech & assembly can be made with registration only and no permit need to be applied.

I had today told District Judge Toh Y C that I want to file Magistrate Complain before him against famiLEE LEEgime for committing Criminal Intimidation against WB-IMF protesters, that they may conduct Extra Judiciray Execution against WB-IMF protesters by ordering Police Force to Open Fire and kill protesters on the spot during WB-IMF. This is completely violent threat by a coward corrupt and incompetent LEEgime.

The judge told me that he is not prepared to hear this magistrate complain of mine in the middle of a crimial trial. :-)

Sammyboy.Com Thread

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Call for donation to help Mr. Gopalan Nair

In the next 2 to 3 months, Mr. Gopalan Nair will need to re-establish nearly every thing including office and home in California. He is selling off is Subrprime home to live in a rental home. Due to his fight here against famiLEE LEEgime, he is in a mess and I think he deserve helps from Singaporeans. I ask supporters to make donation via PayPal etc, any amount you feel right to him directly. His phones and fax don't work yet that is because he have yet paid bills. His email nair.gopalan@yahoo.com is OK. Contact him via this email or do PayPal transfer to this email in the next 2 to 3 months. This will make his recovery faster and feel your supports. When he thank your supports more fighters will come and join this fight. :-) So please donate. :-)

When Mr. Gopalan returned to California, he is immediately active on his blog, he is attacking famiLEE LEEgime as usual, although he is still in very difficult position. He withdraw all apologies which the bastard famiLEE LEEgime forced him to make in jail. Much had been posted by him on blog since his return.


Sammyboy.Com Thread