Mr Low Thia Kiang's 1stAljunied GRC meet the people session lasted past mid-night 1am
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25.May.2011 at Bedok Reservoir Road Blk 713 void deck was Mr. Low Thia Kiang's 1st Aljunied GRC meet the people session, after GE2011. One of my supporter have a case against corrupted and incompetent police, and which he had repeatedly seen famiLEE LEEgime MP as well as Ass Loong Son without any satisfactory solution, that the culprit (ex-mata) is still at large and Cantonment Police Division still unable to unswer any question. The victim insisted that he want to complain the case directly to Mr. LTK tonight. I also felt that I should report this Void Deck Meet The People Session, which reflected that LEEgime is totally not helpful at all to deprive peasants a better place to meet with their MP.
My supporter did not register a Q number when they were at void deck at 7+pm, before my arrival. I arrived quite some time before 8PM which was when the session was supposed to begin. But instead of going directly to the void deck of BLK 713, I went for diner with supporters just across the street where I could observe a portion of BLK 713 void deck, and lots of peasants were there awaiting. There were more than a dozen of reporters / camera men.
I noticed around 8PM of camera flashes from across the street, so we hurried to finish and paid for the meal, and went to BLK 713. It was crowded and stuffy at a dim void deck. Mr. LTK put a little battery lamp on his make shift table, not lid. And he got the simple plastic chair which is the coffeeshop type. Supporters got him 2 drinks on his table.
He was extremely busy interviewing his voters, I see reporters don't even have much chance to ask Mr. LTK much question, I so decided not to disrupt nor bother him for his important duty meeting peasants. I just shot video from a distance. I never saw Mr. LTK had any chance to stop nor rest throughout my 5 hours there, Mr. LTK never left the seat, that means no restroom!
It past midnight when Q number 36's turn came, about 1230hr or so, and by the time Q number 36 was over and we were leaving, time was 1245hr in the morning of 26.May.2011. And there were still about a dozen of peasants in the Q awaiting to meet Mr. LTK. So I estimate the session to last until 0130hr or 0200hr. The total number issued for the Q was 50 I was told.
Do you think LEEgime minister George Yeo will ever work so hard to meet the people like Mr. LTK? An old man among the residents I spoke to said The ex-Foreign Minister had no time to meet the peasants and was told to be travelling outside SGP most of the time!
So George Yeo deserve to lose vote to Mr. LTK, and he better watch my video! :D Thread
25.May.2011 at Bedok Reservoir Road Blk 713 void deck was Mr. Low Thia Kiang's 1st Aljunied GRC meet the people session, after GE2011. One of my supporter have a case against corrupted and incompetent police, and which he had repeatedly seen famiLEE LEEgime MP as well as Ass Loong Son without any satisfactory solution, that the culprit (ex-mata) is still at large and Cantonment Police Division still unable to unswer any question. The victim insisted that he want to complain the case directly to Mr. LTK tonight. I also felt that I should report this Void Deck Meet The People Session, which reflected that LEEgime is totally not helpful at all to deprive peasants a better place to meet with their MP.
My supporter did not register a Q number when they were at void deck at 7+pm, before my arrival. I arrived quite some time before 8PM which was when the session was supposed to begin. But instead of going directly to the void deck of BLK 713, I went for diner with supporters just across the street where I could observe a portion of BLK 713 void deck, and lots of peasants were there awaiting. There were more than a dozen of reporters / camera men.
I noticed around 8PM of camera flashes from across the street, so we hurried to finish and paid for the meal, and went to BLK 713. It was crowded and stuffy at a dim void deck. Mr. LTK put a little battery lamp on his make shift table, not lid. And he got the simple plastic chair which is the coffeeshop type. Supporters got him 2 drinks on his table.
He was extremely busy interviewing his voters, I see reporters don't even have much chance to ask Mr. LTK much question, I so decided not to disrupt nor bother him for his important duty meeting peasants. I just shot video from a distance. I never saw Mr. LTK had any chance to stop nor rest throughout my 5 hours there, Mr. LTK never left the seat, that means no restroom!
It past midnight when Q number 36's turn came, about 1230hr or so, and by the time Q number 36 was over and we were leaving, time was 1245hr in the morning of 26.May.2011. And there were still about a dozen of peasants in the Q awaiting to meet Mr. LTK. So I estimate the session to last until 0130hr or 0200hr. The total number issued for the Q was 50 I was told.
Do you think LEEgime minister George Yeo will ever work so hard to meet the people like Mr. LTK? An old man among the residents I spoke to said The ex-Foreign Minister had no time to meet the peasants and was told to be travelling outside SGP most of the time!
So George Yeo deserve to lose vote to Mr. LTK, and he better watch my video! :D Thread