Friday, October 05, 2007

famiLEE LEEgime called for STABLE JUNTA in Burma

famiLEE LEEgime called for international efforts to stabilize Myanmar military junta.

Ass Loong Son abused the concept of stability hoping to pull a lame trickery to divert international efforts to assist to prolong Burmese people's sufferings and exploitation under a military junta. His famiLEE LEEgime is also a quasi-junta of SAF generals, if one know how to look clearly under the falsehood of rigged elections and famiLEE controlled legislative parliament.

A stable junta in Burma means a stable cohort of filthy collaborations between bloody Myanmar Junta & corrupted famiLEE LEEgime, means a lucrative partnership in crime against innocent victims in the 2 nations.

That is what the trickery is about.

I insist that A Desirable Change MUST BE COMPLETED In Burma BEFORE We Seek STABILITY.

I support the seek for stability after the rule of military junta is ended, but NOT BEFORE.

Stability NOW means a prolonged junta rule, and prolonged suffering as well as prolonged exploitations. It also means PROLONGED TYRANNY & CORRUPTED COLLABORATIONS BETWEEN TYRANNIES in particular between famiLEE LEEgime & junta.

Stability AFTER ENDING JUNTA means true peace and liberation; justice & freedom as well as improved democracy.

Chinese News from Zao Bao

李总理:国际社会须以新方式 协助缅甸恢复稳定


  李 显龙总理昨天针对缅甸当前的局势及联合国特使甘巴里的缅甸之行发表看法时,强调要为缅甸寻求打破僵局的途径,需要全体有利害关系的主要强国,包括中国、印 度和日本等,合力同它进行有协调的接触,而要实现这样的局面,联合国就必须扮演领导角色,新加坡或亚细安在这方面所能单独扮演的角色是有限的。




  “就如历史学家、联合国前秘书长宇丹的孙子宇丹敏(Thant Myint-U)所说的‘要求制裁的论点是完全站不住脚的’,世界也必须小心避免因要求缅甸作出它所要见到的改变,而陷入像伊拉克那样的无政府状态。”












Sammyboymod Thread

Lame corrupted Ass Loong Son is abusing Singapore's current chair of ASEAN to try a lame trickery to get international community to STABILIZE his corrupted Junta partners in Burma.

As we all know, significant changes don't take place within stability. What Ass Loong Son meant by Stability implies a prolonged endurance of suffering by Burmese people under the junta. The deaths and tragedies etc suffered in attempts to overthrow junta are all written off to waste if abandoned now.

That is paying the high price WITHOUT GETTING THE RESULT!

I insist that in the middle of a change it is an instable phase regardlessly. Only push for stabilization AFTER the desired changed is achieved and the result is attained as desired.

100,000 monks & Burmese people marched in peace for more than a week SHOWED THEIR DESIRE OF CHANGE. This must not be neglected, but this is exactly what Ass Loong Son had tried to trick us to ignore!

If we helped junta to achieve stability after their brutal crackdown that means we let the crackdown victims die IN VAIN!

I insist that is NO STABILITY for now until the junta's rule end, our efforts should be directed to help Burmese people get freedom and be free from junta exploitations. Only after the Burmese are free from this junta, we should divert our efforts towards stability.
