famiLEE LEEgime panic as Tak Boleh Tahan Campaign GROWS
In this photo is notorious famiLEE LEEgime mata DSP Deep Singh at Toa Payoh Central watching his little matas harassing SDP's Tak Boleh Tahan Campaign, behind him sits Mr. Ng E-Jay watching Deep Singh.

DSP Deep Singh looking back (he felt insecure?) at Mr. Ng E-Jay as 2 more matas filmed SDP.

Over 25 campaigners in red Tak Boleh Tahan T-shirts today, plus another dozen without that red T-shirt. The size of the campaign is doubled since the 1st time, in which 12 were arrested. This picture taken at about 1445Hr, when not all the campaigners are at this spot for the group photo. About 5 matas came with all sorts of cameras when Campaign is about to call it a day.

1 Hour earlier (before noon), National Solidarity Party (NSP) was also at the same Toa Payoh Central for their National Day out reach, I arrived only in time to capture the ending part of their activity but I never saw mata harassing them. NSP went to City Hall this afternoon after spending their morning in Toa Payoh. WP also have activity in City Hall and Hougang today. Mata will only pick on SDP.
NSP's president Mr. Teo speaking to Dr. Chee Soon Juan:

NSP's president Mr. Teo speaking to Miss Chee Siok Chin:
NSP's president Mr. Sebastian Teo (In Orange T-shirt speaking to Mr. Chia Ti Lik wearing cap) at SDP's Tak Boleh Tahan stall at about 1251hr, NSP team just had lunch after their National Day out-reach also at Toa Payoh Central and they plan to proceed to City Hall for another session of NSP's National Day out-reach. I saw also Mr. Christopher Neo & Mr. Steve Chia the ex-NCMP.

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