Monday, December 04, 2006

ROC's Mr. Shih Ming Teh will begin SELF-IMPRISONMENT

Taiwanese anti-graft reformist Mr. Shih Ming Teh announced his self-imprisonment to commence tomorrow in his self implementation of prison until the fall of Ah-Bian's presidency. This is the new phase of anti-graft fight against Ah-Bian's presidency by Mr. Shih, who had been a very close co-fighter with Ah-Bian for entire long fight for democracy in Taiwan.

Mr. Shih's self-imprisonment can be as long as 18 months which is the remainding term of Ah-Bian's presidency. His self-implementation of prison will FULLY comply with Taiwanese prison's specification, which is one of Mr. Shih's field of Experty.

Mr. Shih Ming Teh is Taiwan if not Asia's longest record holder of political imprisonment - some 25 years by ROC KMT govt. In the long fight for democracy, Mr. Shih & Ah-Bian were both very close allies against KMT regime. Mr. Shih now supported by million Taiwanese in his campaign to fight against Ah-Bian's presidential graft scandal.

The private prison for Mr. Shih will be a part of an apartment, which has only 2 rooms. One being Mr. Shih's prison cell, the other will be the Visit Room of this prison where visitors will be able to visit Mr. Shih at a schedule fixed according to prison rules of Taiwan. Only when receiving medical care or major duty at anti-graft anit-Ah-Bian campaign will Mr. Shih be leaving his prison.

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Sammyboymod discussion thread

施明德明起「自囚」 到扁下台為止

更新日期:2006/12/04 06:40 記者:記者李志德/台北報導




施 明德目前正受邀在泰國訪問,預訂明天中午回到台北紅衫軍之家召開記者會。據指出,明天記者會一結束,施明德就會開始自囚,他的「牢房」,是位於台北市的一 處公寓,分成裡外兩間,裡頭是一間鋪著榻榻米的房間,外頭有一間「會客室」,一切比照獄中的作息。施明德有固定的時間「會客」,除非必須外出看病,或者紅 衫軍有重大活動,施明德將一直待在這間斗室裡,直到陳水扁下台為止。

為什麼選擇這種方式?接近施明德的人士表示,施明德從活動開始,就好幾 次表示,即使只剩他一個人,也要坐到底。如今倒扁運動雖然從凱道轉到火車站廣場,再轉進室內,但施明德完全沒有要收場的想法,施明德希望用這種行動,帶動 社會及政壇自省的風氣,把這場「良知的戰爭」打下去。


這 段對話讓施明德感慨台灣經歷了五十年的獨裁統治,但如今貪腐的危害卻遠勝獨裁,施明德認為自己在獨裁時代有廿五年「良心犯」的經驗,如今台灣社會處在「道 德自由感完全被禁錮」的局面下,許多人得逼迫自己不要看到陳水扁的畫面,才能好好生活下去,台灣此時更需要一個「良心犯」。

據了解,施明德 「自囚」的決定已經告知總部主要幹部,幹部都表支持,唯一的顧慮是施明德的身體。據指出,施明德在日前的身體檢查中,癌症並沒有復發的跡象,但施明德在內 部的會議上也曾感慨,他自囚的時間最長可能達到一年半,「對其他人來講,可能是生命的廿分之一,但對我可能是二分之一。」